Who we are

Travelling Athletes is a fitness travel agency offering fitness holidays for individuals and groups alike.
There is nobody like us.

For All fitness Levels

No matter whether you are a fitness junkie or just getting started – our programs can be customized just for you.
Have fun and get in shape while on holidays.

Holiday Duration

Our fitness holidays don’t have set dates –  you can stay one week or three months.
Anywhere. Anytime.

WHY Choose Us

We guarantee you the lowest price possible on all our holidays, match you with a personal travel agent and much more.

Travelling solo

Bali - Fitness Retreat Bali - Fitness Holidays for Travelling Athletes (2)

Travelling solo: helpful tips for first-time solo travellers

Travelling solo – an exciting adventure for some, a frightening idea for others. No matter where you fit in, travelling solo can undoubtedly be a transformative experience that enriches you on all levels.

However, if you’ve never travelled alone before, the mind can quickly take over and lead to uncertainty, anxiety and overwhelm. Where should I even go? Where is it safe? What if I feel lonely?

In this blog article, we look at the benefits of travelling solo, the challenges and give you helpful tips for your first solo trip. We’ll show you why a fitness trip is the perfect introduction to the world of solo travelling. Apart from getting your body in shape along the way, of course :-)

Topic overview:

  • The advantages of travelling solo
  • The challenges of travelling solo
  • Why a fitness trip is a good choice
  • Tips for a successful solo fitness trip
  • Conclusion
Fitness Holidays for Travelling Athletes - Fitness Holiday -Fitness Vacation

The benefits of travelling solo

Travelling solo may sound intimidating to some at first, but it offers a wealth of benefits that make it a rewarding experience. Here are three outstanding reasons why travelling solo is worth the courage:

Personal freedom and independence
One of the most obvious and valuable rewards of travelling solo is freedom. You set your own pace, your own itinerary and make your own decisions. There’s no need to compromise or cater to the preferences of others. So you can really focus on your own interests and needs and explore the world at your own pace.

Strengthen self-discovery and self-confidence
Travelling solo can be an intensive form of self-reflection. When you venture into unfamiliar situations without the usual support of your social circle, you not only learn a lot about the world, but also about yourself. You develop self-confidence, learn how to deal with challenges and perhaps discover hidden talents and interests that you didn’t know about before.

Make new friends and social contacts
Although you are travelling solo, this does not mean that you have to be lonely. On the contrary, travelling solo often offers the best opportunities to make new friends and socialise with people from different cultures. Your focus and attention are automatically much more present and you are more aware of other people around you. You will be amazed at how easy it is to strike up conversations and make friends.

Bali - Fitness Retreat Bali - Fitness Holidays for Travelling Athletes (10)

The challenges of travelling solo

While travelling solo can undoubtedly be an enriching experience, there are also some challenges and potential stumbling blocks to consider. It is important to be aware of these aspects and prepare accordingly:

Loneliness and isolation
A feeling of loneliness can occur when travelling, especially when you are in faraway countries where everything feels foreign. There may be moments when you feel alone and isolated. However, this is normal and a good opportunity to deepen your self-reflection. You can use this time to pursue your interests, write in your diary or invest in yourself. Think of these moments as a training camp to learn to enjoy me-time without feeling lonely. Because being alone doesn’t necessarily mean you’re lonely:-)

Safety concerns
Safety is an important factor when travelling solo. You are responsible for your personal safety, so it is essential to be aware of the risks at your destination and take precautions. This includes, for example, choosing safe accommodation or researching and avoiding dangerous areas. Specific safety tips follow below.

Organisation and planning
Planning and organising a solo trip often requires more effort than travelling with a companion. You have to coordinate flights, accommodation, activities and transport on your own. This can be time-consuming and requires a certain ability to organise yourself. However, it is also an opportunity to strengthen your organisational skills.

Although there are challenges when travelling solo, these can be overcome with the right attitude and preparation. They are exactly what will make you stronger and help you grow personally. There are also various travel formats and strategies that make it easy for you to get started. Just like with fitness training – as a beginner, you don’t start with the heavy weights straight away :-)

In the next section, we’ll look at why exactly fitness holidays are an ideal choice for your first solo trip.

Surfen, Fitness und Yoga in Portugal - Surfcamp in Ericeira, Fitnessreise Portugal - Fitnessurlaub für Reiseathleten (23)

Why a fitness holiday is a good choice

A new experience, no matter what kind, feels unfamiliar and perhaps even scary at first. But to make sure we don’t let this stop us, it’s helpful to make the first step into new territory as easy as possible. That’s where the fitness holiday comes in. There are a few good reasons why fitness holidays are perfect for newcomers to travelling solo:

Clear direction and orientation
Fitness holidays offer the unique opportunity to keep your body fit while exploring the world. Instead of sitting in your hotel room trying to figure out what you want to do, you have a clear direction. Now all you have to do is decide: Do you fancy outdoor activities such as guided hikes? Or will you try out the fitness class at the gym round the corner? Are you going to a beach boot camp or a yoga class at sunset? Apart from the positive effects on your health, body and mood, it’s almost impossible not to meet people here.

Community and like-minded people on fitness holidays
On fitness holidays, you will automatically meet people who share similar interests. You will be surrounded by like-minded people who are enthusiastic about a healthy lifestyle and active adventures – so you already have a common denominator. You will realise how easy it is to make contacts and friendships in this environment, which often even last beyond the trip.

Flexibility: Everything can, nothing has to
The great thing about fitness holidays is that you decide for yourself how much support and company you want on your first solo trip. There are various options here:

  1. You organise your fitness trip completely yourself and research beforehand, for example, where there is a gym and sports facilities near your accommodation.
  2. You can opt for an organised fitness holiday where you leave the organisation and planning to a travel expert. This is a good middle ground for many people, because although you are travelling solo, you always have a contact person at your side and can rely on their support and experience.
  3. You choose a fitness retreat, i.e. a guided group trip where you are travelling with a fixed small group and coach. The hurdle here is particularly low if you are travelling without friends, partner or family for the first time. Although you are “alone”, you are also part of a community.
Surfen, Fitness und Yoga in Portugal - Surfcamp in Ericeira, Fitnessreise Portugal - Fitnessurlaub für Reiseathleten (1)

Tips for a successful solo fitness holiday

As you can see, a fitness holiday has many advantages – especially as a first solo trip, it is definitely an excellent choice. With the following tips, you’ll be well prepared:

The choice of destination

The choice of destination is a very individual decision and depends on your personal preferences and goals. Here are some important considerations to help you make your choice:

Travelling time:
Think about when you want to travel. For example, are you travelling in the winter months to soak up the sun? Then, depending on the month you are travelling to, there are only a few destinations within Europe that come into question. You can also read our blog post “Where to travel in winter.” If you are travelling abroad, find out about the local climate – is it the dry or rainy season?

Duration of the trip:
How long do you want to be travelling for? As a rule, your willingness to make the effort of travelling to and from the destination depends on this and narrows down your choice.

Sports programme and fitness goals:
What do you want to focus on in your training programme? CrossFit, beach bootcamps, yoga, surfing, martial arts, personal training? You can do your own research. Or use our search mask with helpful filter functions and save yourself valuable time.

Interests and preferences:
Think about what kind of experience you’re looking for. Are you team beach or mountains? Nature or city? Action or an oasis of calm? Luxury or local flair?

Set yourself a budget for your trip. Some destinations are more expensive than others, so it’s important to be realistic and check whether your budget matches the activities and accommodation you have planned.

Cultural and language differences:
Consider the cultural differences and language of the destination. Understanding the local culture and basic knowledge of the language can enrich and facilitate your travelling experience.

Surfen, Fitness und Yoga in Portugal - Surfcamp in Ericeira, Fitnessreise Portugal - Fitnessurlaub für Reiseathleten (49)

Planning and preparation

Planning and preparation are crucial steps for a successful trip, regardless of the destination or purpose of travel. Here are some important aspects you should consider:

Travel period:
When deciding on your travel dates, take into account any public holidays, school holidays or special events at your destination. This way you can often not only avoid unpleasant overcrowding, but also save money.

Online communities:
Use travel forums, social media and facebook groups to find other solo travellers. This allows you to make contacts before your trip and organise targeted meetings on site. You can also keep up to date with group activities and events.

It is advisable to book your accommodation in advance, especially in popular destinations or during peak season. On popular search portals such as booking.com or airbnb, you can find all types of accommodation for every budget. A good location and infrastructure (e.g. proximity to the gym, healthy food spots, running routes) are particularly important when travelling abroad. Use Google Maps to research in advance or benefit from the experience of a sports tour operator. For example, we have tested all the accommodation on our trips ourselves and optimised it to meet the needs of travelling athletes.

Travel documents:
Make sure you obtain all necessary travel documents such as passport, visas, tickets and reservation confirmations on time and keep them safe.

Plan your arrival and departure as well as local transport in advance. Especially if you are travelling solo for the first time, it is a great relief if you know what to do once you arrive. Think about whether you want to use public transport, a shuttle, taxi or whether you prefer private transport. You can usually book transport through a tour operator at the same time.

Health preparation: 
Find out about any health risks at your destination and get the necessary vaccinations or medication. Also think about a first-aid kit and travel insurance.

Packing list:
Create a packing list to ensure that you pack all the necessary items. Read our blog post “Your packing list: What you shouldn’t forget”.

Local information:
Research the culture, customs and traditions of your destination in advance. This can help you to avoid misunderstandings and be respectful towards the locals.

Fitness Holiday in Koh Samui - FitKoh - Fitness Holidays in Thailand for Travelling Athletes (6)

Safety advice for solo travellers

Safety is a key aspect of any trip, especially for solo travellers. Here are some important tips to keep in mind:

Emergency contacts:
Have a list of important emergency contacts ready, including contact details of your home country’s embassy or consulate, local emergency numbers and contact details of friends or relatives. Inform those close to you about your travel plans and keep them informed. When travelling with travel athletes, there is always a contact person available to help you with unforeseen challenges, e.g. via WhatsApp.

Copies of documents:
Make copies of your travel documents, including passport, visas, flight tickets and reservation confirmations. Keep these copies in a safe place separate from the originals.

Money and valuables:
Only carry the cash and credit cards you need and keep them safe. Avoid displaying valuable jewellery or expensive electronic devices.

Communication & orientation:
Make sure you have a working mobile phone with you and the ability to contact people in an emergency or to find your way if you get lost. Depending on the destination and duration of your trip, it may be a good idea to get a local SIM card.

Public transport:
Be careful when using public transport. Stick to well-lit and busy places, especially at night. Be aware of your surroundings and your luggage.

Security lock:
Bring a security lock and lock up your valuables – not all lockers in accommodation or fitness facilities are equipped with them.

And finally, perhaps the most important point – trust your gut feeling. If a situation or a person seems suspicious to you, listen to your inner voice and withdraw or seek help.

yoga mit meerblick paradis plage


Travelling solo is not only an opportunity to explore the world, but also a journey to yourself. It is a unique opportunity to expand your comfort zone, get to know yourself better and create unforgettable encounters and adventures.

Deciding to travel solo is a brave step, and courage is always rewarded. With our tips and the right preparation, you’ll be well equipped.

If you’re still unsure, make it as easy as possible to get started – for example with an organised fitness holiday. Many of our customers are solo travellers and have discovered this format for themselves and have become real fans.

No matter which option you choose, we can only heartily recommend this special experience. Be brave, it’ s worth it:-)

Out 3 top seller for solo traveler:

Here is some more For you to read...

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The most important FAQs for your fitness holidays

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Get Fit in 2024 – Achieve your Resolutions with a Fitness Holiday

Fitness Holidays

Travelling solo

Fitness Holidays

Where to travel in winter?

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Fitness holiday or retreat – which is your perfect match? 

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The top 3 travel destinations for your next Fitness Holidays


Sustainability in Focus: The Future of Fitness Travel


Don’t Leave Home Without Them: Packing List for a Fitness Holidays


Fitcation: The Perfect Combination of Fitness and Holiday 


Yoga Holidays – Your Perfect Getaway for Body and Mind


CrossFit exercises everyone should know!


Work out all over the world – the best CrossFit boxes


CrossFit – one of the hardest workouts in the world!  


Stretching after a workout: A necessity?


Outdoor Bootcamp – What to expect from an outdoor bootcamp?

Interested? Check Out Our Fitness Holiday Packages.

It has never been so easy to travel the world, meet like-minded people, and enjoy amazing workouts in beautiful destinations. Try it yourself and become part of the community of Travelling Athletes.
No matter whether you want to travel to Bali or Greece, we will help you become a better YOU while you experience an unforgettable fitness holiday. Designed for individuals or groups, our fitness holidays are perfect for all fitness levels and are available 365 days a year.

Get in shape while on holidays…

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A perfect Fitness holiday for you. Anywhere. Anytime.

Individual fitness retreats with different focuses

Each of our fitness retreats and fitness holiday travel packages offer you a different focus — such as improvement of general fitness, introduction to CrossFit, weight loss, skill training, and much more.

Fitness holidays with a wide Variety of fitness classes

Choose the fitness holiday that suits you best and look forward to exciting fitness classes consisting of boot camps, HIIT, CrossFit (official box), beach WODs, beach workouts, Personal Training, Muay Thai, and much more.

Customize the Fitness holiday to suit your needs

You can easily choose different add-ons during the booking process to customize your fitness holiday. Add additional personal training sessions, massages, and more - with just one click.

All Included - More than Just a fitness holiday

All of our fitness holidays offer you much more than just an extensive fitness program. Find your inner peace with our yoga classes, enjoy a relaxing massage, or learn more about Ayurveda, the traditional Hindu system of medicine that focuses on diet, herbal treatment, and breath.

Travelling Athlete - Julia - Fitness Holiday in Bali for Travelling Athletes

Become a better you.

Check out the variety of reasons why hundreds of like-minded people have chosen to become a Travelling Athlete©.

Reasons to become a Travelling Athlete©

Save time & money

As a fitness travel agency, we get favourable rates from hotels and partners, which we then pass on to you.

Personal Travel Assistant

You will be matched with a travel agent who is available 24/7 to help you with anything you could want or need.

Inside Knowledge

Each of our travel agents have visited all of our various destinations, so they are well-equipped to assist you with local insight.

Fitness Holidays for Travelling Athletes - Fitness Woman

Flexible Dates

Travel whenever you desire and for however long you wish. Our fitness holidays are available 365 days/year.

Direct & Flexible Booking

Our streamlined booking process means you don’t have to wait any longer. You can look forward to relaxing and training in the sun.

Join a Community

Even before your journey begins, we will connect you with other Travelling Athletes.

Join our community

Become a Travelling Athlete and profit from all the advantages. No matter if you are a beginner or an advanced athlete, no matter if you are on your own or with a group of friends: You can travel the world 365 days a year meanwhile getting fit in paradise-like destinations.

Keywords: Travelling solo, fitness holiday